Interactive Exhibits
Renewable Energy
Explore the interactive renewable energy exhibits, discover the secrets of the solar panels, experience the full power of the sun as it melts metal, and meet our pet fire breathing dragon!
Sustainable Transportation
Get under the hood of the coolest sustainable cars, like a wood powered truck, compressed air powered car, or the first mass produced electric car.
Green Building
Experience various green construction methods — such as Strawbale, Cordwood, Earthship, SIP — and natural ways to keep your home warm or cool.
Progress Status
Greenspark project, as you see it now, is a culmination of five years of research and planning. Over that period we have looked at hundreds of properties, built a number of complicated spreadsheets, received great advice from countless people, and documented the best exhibit ideas. Now, finally, we are ready to make it happen. An idea to create a place for people to experience all aspects of sustainable living is rapidly becoming a reality. During the summer of 2015, we found a property that satisfied all our requirements and in March 2016 we bought it. We engaged a local engineering company to help us with a site plan and with the permits. With their help, we received the necessary permits.
A little over a year later, in October 2017, we opened our doors. Please come visit!
We purchased land and received all permits. We built a 20 lot parking space. We also built an off-grid solar powered Welcome Center and exhibit pavilions.
All exhibits have been designed and many have been purchased and ready to be assembled. Coming in 2018.
We built a Cordwood and a Straw Bale exhibits. We broke ground on construction of EarthBag and EarthShip exhibits. Sign up to our newsletter to get involved.
Come see a solar-human hybrid ELF, a first modern mass produced electric car, called ComutaCar, a sailing trike called Whike, a demo biodiesel setup and a wood gasifier.

Alex Chernomazov

Ella Malamud